Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Massage Parlors & Cars From New York

For a good portion of my life I was involved with a Youth Ministry based out of Elizabeth, NJ (The Bridge Youth Ministries).  On one occasion, we traveled to a Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, at which time I became aware of an organization called The International Justice Mission (WWW.IJM.ORG).  These guys are quite possibly the most selfless and amazing group of people I have had the pleasure to meet.  Their main purpose is the eliminate Human Trafficking and Slavery throughout the world.  Recently I have begun taking steps to mirror their organization and start a non-profit similar to theirs to do what I can here in the US to bring this issue to light and those who benefit from the suffering and control of others.

You would be amazed that you probably pass by major perpetrators every day and not even notice it.  One of the biggest establishments where this is found, is at your local Massage Parlor.  It may disguise itself in many different forms or names, but usually they tend to have the name Day Spa, Holistic Center, Therapeutic Massage, Sensual Massage, etc... They are all the same, they are places where men can go to get a "massage" and also something extra on the side.  Some of these locations have nothing to do with Trafficking, and are just straight up Brothels, but many are Asian owned, with women who are more than likely forced into this trade against their will.

Let me also clarify that there are many reputable Spas and locations where you can get a Legitimate massage, facial, foot rub, blah blah blah.  Massage Envy is a local chain that I am aware of that is strictly by the book, and licensed throughout the State.

I have been researching this industry for sometime and have come upon numerous websites where individuals brag about their exploits in these locations, who they saw, what they did, how much they paid and so on.  So it is pretty simple to determine the legitimate locations from the illegal ones.  What confuses me is that these locations are so in your face, and everyone knows what goes on there if you live near one, but nothing is ever done.  Only after multiple and multiple complaints will police check it out and possibly make arrests if they go undercover.  But even then many of the cases I have seen, the owners can usually get away with misdemeanors or probation, depending on what goes down.

The only way to slow down these people is to bring their activities to light, and not allow it to be a secret activity.  So I have taken it upon myself in my free time to goto numerous locations and film every person going in and out these establishments and send copies of the video to each person, the police, and the mayor of each town.  Due to my background as a Private Investigator, I can easily determine each individuals contact information from their license plate.

Initially I wanted to put everyone on blast and put the videos online for all to see, but after thinking about it for awhile, I think that would open me up to too many legal problems.  So with this method I figure: 1. The men will be scared out their but when they realize that someone was watching them, and hopefully never do it again, 2. The Police will have names and locations for the events taking place, and cant say they didn't know, and 3. The Mayor will have to take some action, so not to allow their voters to believe that they didn't care about the situation once it was brought to their attentions.

The funny thing is that everyone that comes to these places in New Jersey, is from New York.  Or the ones that are from New Jersey live over an hour away.  Are you that desperate for a cheap thrill you will go through all this effort, to sleep with a woman who was probably promised a good job if she went to America, only to find out she is now a slave having to work off a tremendous so called debt to her transporters that she will probably die from AIDS or another disease before she even makes a dent in her freedom?

Please check out this video from IJM.ORG that gives a brief explanation of what they do and see everyday.  If your looking for an organization to support, they are beyond worthy.  Pray for these women, and that something comes from my efforts.  See you soon!

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